Sunday, February 5, 2012

I found Cadence!

Hello everyone!
Today, in 7:59 A.M PST,in the server Arctic,at the gift shp, I found.... Cadence!  
Credit for Plantor8 for helping me to find her. 
I'm very sad that I didn't get to have some pictures of Cadence saying things.  But I did get her stamp and beckground, but I probobly had a enoying bug that made it that I didn't get her to be my friend!
Here are some pictures.
Belive it or not, but the pink penguin you see up there is actually Cadence!
 Here are pictures showing how her stamp and beckground are looking like on me
Here's the background:
Here's the stamp.

I'm going to try and find Cadence again, to add her as a friend.
That's all for today.

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